Name: Betty
Breed: Mix
Age: ~1.5 years
Medical condition: Dewormed internally and externally. All tests are negative. He has an inflammation of the eye and is under ongoing treatment.
Vaccine, passport – to come
Personality: She was probably domestic because she is very kind and social. Purring and caressing in caressing human hands, hoping she’ll never be alone again.
Looking for a permanent and foster home: How to adopt?
Donation for care
The story and how cuddly Betty is, see here:
09.04 Friends… Betty is gone…
It is with great sadness that we write these lines, but sometimes, no matter how hard we try, life has other plans… After three days of injecting GS ampoules to treat FIP, Betty did not respond. This morning we got the call we were dreading. Betty has deteriorated greatly and within minutes is gone, heading for the rainbow road…
Purr at will, sweet Betty – where there is no pain…

To all other FIP fighters – don’t lose hope. The success rate of GS treatment is very high, although there are exceptions.
The donations we received for Betty will be distributed to our other four-legged friends in urgent need of help.
Update 07.04 : The result of the sample sent to Germany is positive. Betty struggles with the dreaded wet FIP.
We are waiting for the delivery of the first three ampoules, which are at a good price, but from here on, until the end of the 84 day treatment, the price is between 60 and 80 dollars per ampoule

We are looking for donors who can take orders for the ampoules. Without this medicine, Betty goes…
Update 06.04 for Betty: After a positive result for FIP from a rivolt sample (from the fluid in the stomach) here yesterday afternoon, we have decided to start her treatment urgently while we wait for the results from Germany. Late yesterday evening we managed to find an ampoule of the expensive medicine, which is Betty’s only chance at the moment. He starts treatment today, and this ampoule will arrive in 3 days. It is very important not to interrupt the treatment, and the whole cycle is 84 days. One ampoule costs (about) $41.
Treatment of FIP with this drug has proven successful, but life-saving ampoules are difficult to find. Their name is GS and they are made in China. In order to have a stronger price, the drug is procured through black market channels. This, my friends, means that there is no way to invoice this expense.
To help Betty we need donors who, instead of transferring money to us, transfer it to the account of the distributor of the drug. A person was found to take the first three ampoules. If Betty does well, we’ll have to make a deadline to buy more. Betty needs your help and unfortunately she doesn’t have time to wait.
Even though she is exhausted and with a swollen belly, Betty purrs and kneads with her paws with a call for help…

If you are able to help purchase more of Betty’s ampoules, contact us by private message on Instagram, email or Viber/call at

Peace-coordinator cats.
06.04.22 Today we had an unexpected twist with the sweet and cuddly Betty, who is an inpatient at a clinic.
Betty refuses to eat. After investigations, it appears that he currently has elevated leukocytes and yellow fluid in the abdomen. Our suspicions and those of the doctors are the dreaded FIP diagnosis. Since we do not have the necessary equipment here for sufficiently precise results, we urgently send a blood sample to Germany for a screening test. We will have clarity in a week. During this time, Betty will be on maintenance therapy and we will pray that she pulls through. In the event that the test is positive, a very long, difficult and expensive road awaits us in the fight for her life.
Betty needs a lot of luck and financial support for her treatment.
We count on you