• Name: Sissy
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: About 2 months
  • Medical condition: The kitten was admitted on 24.07.22 with paralysis of the hind limbs and is currently undergoing treatment at the Central Medical Center-Sofia. The general examination of the legs revealed a neurological deficit of the pelvic limbs with missing proprioception and questionable deep sensitivity. Atrophy of the muscles and decubitus wounds, which speaks of time. Shallow acetabular sockets with luxation/subluxation of both hip joints (based on x-ray). Tested for infectious diseases positive for Corona Ag. For the time being, treatment for the coronavirus has been started, on systems and supportive therapy. As a plan, it should be evaluated by an orthopedist and more extensive diagnostics (scanning or nuclear magnetic resonance) should be done in order to undertake surgical treatment. Eat well.
  • Character: Sociable, despite the stress experienced.
  • The story: Found by a child in the town of Sevlievo: VIDEO FBpage
  • He needs treatment support and foster care until he recovers and finds adoptive parents


Sisi went to her forever home, here in Bulgaria, to her person – Silvia. After her vaccinations, Sissy will also meet her four-legged chihuahua sister.


International Cat Day – we spoke to a lady who had put in an application for little Sissy. It didn’t take long for us to know they were meant for each other.


Little Sissy went through the big scanner. After reviewing the results, the doctors’ opinion is that she will not be able to pass… but this is not the end of her fight for a new life.

According to the doctors, she lacks deep sensitivity and surgery will not help her. The fracture of the joints is a long time ago, which is judged by the bone callus formed. Perhaps if she had been found sooner after the trauma, she might have had a chance to pass again.

However, Sissy pees and walks on her own when she needs to, which is a major plus for her condition. She can lead a good life if she uses a wheelchair for her hind legs.

She is currently being treated for corona and when she is cleared of the virus, Sisi can leave the clinic.

🏡 ⚠️ Sissy is looking for a foster home or adoptive parents to adjust to home life.