
07.12.2023 The happy day for Marble, in which he is already in the arms of his adoptive mother! We wish them endless happiness together! See more photos from the adoption

  • Name : Marble
  • Gender: Male
  • Size: ~ 5kg ( 30.11.23)
  • Breed : Mix/White cat, with different colored eyes. Blue and green
  • Age : About 3-4 years
  • Passport, vaccines, chip : Yes, with first vaccine, 2 coming on 11/15/23. He has a passport.
  • Castration : Yes. Neutered 10/30/23
  • Medical condition : Healthy. Negative triple test, negative test for leukemia (FeLV), positive for feline spin (FIV)*, PKK has very good parameters. The deafness characteristic of white cats has not been established (Hearing is present).IMPORTANT for the cat spin: *FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) is in no way dangerous for humans and dogs, but it is not recommended for its carriers to live with other cats. With a good quality of life, often the carriers of the immunodeficiency virus are unaffected by it and can be asymptomatic.
  • Personality: Social and very caressing
  • The story-27.10.23: Marbel (from marble – marble) is another abandoned animal, this time at the home of a person from our team. Underneath the dirty fur and ragged muzzle, one can see that it is a very beautiful cat. His eyes are in two different colors, like beads, inviting you to play with them :)
  • If you would like to adopt Marble, please fill out: prospective adopter questionnaire↓
