- Name : Fruti
- Gender: Female
- Age : 8 months
- Castration : Yes
- Passport/vaccinations: She has a passport, she is vaccinated
- Medical condition : As of 26.07, Fruti is being treated for the fungus, ear drops have also been prescribed. Tolerates everything calmly. She is a gentle, caressing and kind cat.
- The story: Fruity was one of our rescued strays who found adopters very quickly and that’s why we didn’t publish her. Unfortunately, the family that adopted her has a very young baby and a dog that developed an allergic reaction and had to be separated. So Fruti is left homeless again and we are again looking for adopters. In the meantime, the skin problem appears, which we are currently treating and we hope will soon go away. Fruity is a very sweet and kind cat, with developed hygiene habits, she lived in an apartment and is a wonderful pet.
- Looking for a Home: In the midst of the summer season, Fruity is left without a foster home and no home at all. We are even looking for a temporary foster until we find her long-term Human.
- If you are the Fruity Man, fill it out prospective adopter questionnaire↓
After the result of the culture sample in an established fungal skin infection. The treatment is an antibiotic cream in the chin area and an antifungal vaccine.
On 21.07 she had a follow-up examination, a second dose of the vaccine is due in mid-August. Ear drops are also prescribed.
As of 26.07, Fruti is being treated for the fungus, ear drops have also been prescribed. Tolerates everything calmly. She is a gentle, caressing and kind cat.