Fire and Eve

Fire with the boy from his new family

Fire and Zdravko
18.02.23 Happy Fire Day! ADOPTED by a wonderful family in France! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done Eva!
You are a Miracle❤️
- Name: FIRE
- Breed: Doberman Pinscher
- Age: ~ 2 years
- Size/kg: 26kg / should be around 40kg
- Medical Condition: Recovers after being found in critical condition, weak and malnourished.
- Castration : Yes
- Temperament/behavior: The dog is social and good, but needed work with an adaptation and socialization specialist due to the stress experienced. He shows curiosity about everything new and starts to relax and show himself more and more. Gets used to a home environment, builds habits and quickly adapts to the surrounding environment. After the great progress he made thanks to the professional care at Eva and Zdravko’s foster home, Fire is now ready to meet his adoptive parent.
- What kind of adopter are you approaching for Fire? Fire needs a Person who has experience, knowledge and is ready to meet his needs to help him live his best life. Fire is a dog that needs attention. He is very friendly with people, he has no problems meeting new